Friday, August 10, 2012

One Year Reflection

Exactly one year ago I boarded a plane at Logan International Airport. I anxiously made my way through security and waited at my gate headed toward Paris, France -- my one stop between home and a semester abroad in Southern India. How quickly one year passes.

One of the criteria in my college selection was that it needed to have an extensive abroad program.  I never had the opportunity to travel outside the United States in high school, and spending a semester away was a priority of mine. When this day arrived, one year ago, I couldn't believe that dream of mine was actually coming true. The tearful goodbye -- partnered with extraordinary nerves and excitement -- exceeded my wildest expectations. The time had come. My first big adventure was beginning.

It would be cliché of me to write about how much of a difference one year makes...  
So that is exactly what I am about to do.

I have met some exceptional people, seen some incredible things, and have undergone some of the hardest and most rewarding experiences during this last year. I've flown across the Atlantic, twice. I've achieved more academically than I ever saw for myself. I have lived on my own --  with struggle and success. I have let friends come and go; I have fallen in love. I watched my baby sister graduate from high school and have shared a beer with my dad. I miss my mom. I've become more confident and less sure at the same time; I know I can do things but don't know where I am going. I've read, listened, and learned. I've become a more clearer version of myself, and (most of the time) it feels good.

So while I am not boarding a plane this afternoon, I still have a lot to look forward to. Senior year is quickly approaching, and while I won't be bathing in a bucket or walking the grounds of the Taj Mahal ... there will be plenty of challenges and exciting times ahead. One year certainly makes a difference, and I am happy to see what the next year brings me.

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