Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Happiest of Birthdays!

Every single day that I live my life, I do so trying to make the world a better place; trying to make someone else’s day easier or more pleasant; and trying to strengthen my own community by just being kind. So much has changed for me in the last year, despite the day-to-day. I’m living where I did not think I’d be living. I’m employed where I didn’t think I’d be working. I graduated from college. I’ve surprised myself with my own capacity, conviction, and commitment. I’m living independently. I have become more confident. I am a true adult – and beyond what it means to just be another year older.

In the midst of so much change, one thing has remained the same: I have filled my life with meaningful, wonderful, and loving people. I am so lucky to have such supporting and incredible friends and family in my life. Great people are not just people you stumble upon. Great people stick with you. They continue to be there, even when you’ve forgotten to call or say hello over a length of time. Great people go beyond expectation and continuously surprise you. I’ve been so fortunate to surround myself with individuals who are caring, and smart, and talented. And, in their own unique ways have helped me grow and become a better version of myself.

Exactly one year ago tomorrow, I was touched more deeply than I have ever been touched before in my life. Every single day, I have access to and use an amazing laptop computer – a gift that so many of us take for granted. However, I have never taken this materialistic piece of machinery for granted. Every time that I open it, I am flooded by the warmth and compassion of so many dear friends and family members – people who I may not have spoken to much since, but whom I still sincerely care about. While reading this, you may think I am being overly sappy or cliché – but I genuinely appreciate the thought so many people put into making such a modest and unimportant birthday one of the most memorable in my life.

One year later, and I am still in such awe of how Samantha Poccia pulled this off! Thank you again, endlessly.

Adam Cohen
Alise Fisher
Alyssa McKinley
Amanda Balch
Anne Marie Suchanek
Ariel Norling
My dad, Bill Walton
Chelsea Orcutt
Chris Becker
Christine Ward
Courtney Perron
Daniel Cowen
Daniel Shuriff
Elana Bodow
Faith Zaki
Jack Jesset
Jacki Douglas
Jake Angelestro
Jenn McKay
The accomplice, Jesse Feitel
My sister, Jordan Walton
My mom, Kate Walton
Laura Dumitru
Lauren DeLeo
Lorne Fultonberg
Lyndsay Katz
Mark Sell
Matt LoDolce
Megan Miller
Michael Dubreuil
Nathaniel Berger
Patrick Tucker
The mastermind, Samantha Poccia
Sara Hussey
Stephanie Kranz
Susan Sadkowski
Timothy McGuire
Tommy Hayes
And anyone else I may have unintentionally missed or didn’t know about. Or people that didn't even know this happened!

I love you all.

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