Thursday, October 20, 2011

Traveling around India: Update Part One

I have come to the end of my first week of traveling. I wanted to share a few things about what I have been up to this last week, because much has happend. Some good...some not so good...and some nestled in between those feelings.  I'll run through some things quickly (with some pictures, because those are always better to look at than my silly descriptions); sorry for any typos or nonsensical writing.. I am on a short Internet time allotment.

First stop: Shanti Bhavan School (aka, the She's the First school in India!)

When I realized this school was so close to Mysore, I could not pass up the opportunity to make a stop. The school was so incredible, that when I have more time.. I am going to write an entire post about it. I posted the web URL in case people were interested in knowing a little more. Basically, the school is in the middle-of-no-where-Tamil Nadu (the state right next to Karnataka). The staff, the kids, and the other volunteers were incredibly welcoming and wonderful. I really loved it there.

This is me with Miss. Shilpa's 4th grade class
Also, me + lots of kids = happy Sarah

 After my (too-short-of-a) visit to the school, I traveled back to Bangalore to catch a flight to New Delhi. I have been in India for over two months now, but something about traveling to New Delhi made it feel like I was actually in India.  It is just such a big place. My plane was delayed for quite a while, meaning I got in late. I was so tired though, that I settled for an over priced room in a kind of sketch neighborhood.  Nevertheless, there was a roof over my head, and I got to fall asleep to the Titanic :)

I did have to wake up really early to make my way to the bus stop that would be taking me to Agra. That's right, I was on my way to see one of the Wonder's of the World: THE Taj Mahal!  The bus system in India, especially in Delhi, is so confusing. So many came and went, and when I finally stepped onto the bus I would be traveling on, I was in awe that I even found it in the first place. However, I did make it and seeing the Taj was well worth the crazy long journey, the confusion getting on the bus, and (maybe) one of the worst nights of my life.
There she stands
Honestly, one of the most beautiful sights I have ever seen in my life; it didn't even seem real that I was there

 Oh come on, you would have done it too...

So, one of the worst nights of my life.... the tour company said we would arrive in Delhi around 10:30-11:00 pm. My brain told me, "that is ample time to get to the area where you have to catch your bus the next morning AND find a hotel..." IN FACT, many people throughout the day ENSURED me that I would be ok. Well, the your bus finally arrive in New Delhi around 3:30am... and dropped me off in the sketchiest location I have ever been in that late/early in the morning. I was so frightened. Not to mention, there were no hotels anywhere in sight. With the help of a good rickshaw driver, and the assistance of the bus service, I found the tour agency and sat outside the office from 3:30 until I had to catch my bus the next morning to Haridwar at 9:00am. It was one of the longest AND most exhausting nights of my life, but I made it... I am alive.. and I am so thankful that there are good people in the world who can help you when you really need it. Please believe me though when I say: NO ONE wants to be in Delhi at 4:00am, alone. (ps. Mom & Dad, I am ok!)

I really did become ok too, because the third stop on my journey was to Haridwar, one of the holiest cities in India.  However, when I called Joseph (who was traveling with Brie, Laura, and Kat) I found out that they ended up in the little town/village of Rishikesh! It turns out, this place in MUCH more beautiful. It, literally, is nestled between the foothill mountains of the Himalayas. It is also right where the Ganga (Ganges) River exits the mountains. The place is absolutely beautiful, AND crawling with hippies... so I felt very happy and comfortable there. It is the town home to many Ashrams, and in fact.. it is even home to the Maharishi
Mahesh Ashram where the Beatles recorded the White Album. It is very peaceful and beautiful. I have included a few photographs, but they really don't do the place justice.

I have also eaten my weight in food. We found a little place called The Little Buddha Cafe, and it is actually the most delicious food I have ever had. For a town where you can sleep and eat for approximately Rs. 400 a day (that works out to be about $5) I am quite satisfied.  Additionally, it was nice to join up with the group again... even for just a few short days.  Overall, the time in Rishikesh has been a peaceful escape from (1) CRAZY Delhi and (2) a hectic end to my semester. That being said, I have lounged along side the Ganges River in the Himalayas while everyone else is studying for midterms...

My next stop will be Delhi for an afternoon to catch my bus to Jaipur... and from there I will head to the farm just outside Jaipur where I will be WWOOFing for 10 days. (WWOOF is Willing Workers on Organic Farms - where you trade farm labor for room/board).  I know nothing about farming, but I am excited to learn.  Until another update, I am safe... happy... and learning a ton.

1 comment:

  1. I am so thankful that you posted, multiple times, that you are ok. However, there were as many forms of "sketchy" as there were "I'm okays"... Thinking of you. Love, Aunt Trish
