Saturday, August 13, 2011

32(ish) Hours In Transit

I made it, and I’ve survived one full day already!  Even though the day felt like 3 because I saw the sun rise and set more times than I remember closing my eyes to sleep.
My thoughts so far: India is as beautiful, dirty, loud, tranquil, chaotic and smelly as they say.

Instead of sharing everything I have experienced so far (because, believe me, there is a lot) I’ll share one experience that really shows what everything can be like here.

After sleeping (for hours – yay, Jetlag!) the group decided to venture into this little town close-ish to where we are living. I think it is called Hebbel. Anyway, the walk there was crazy. Rickshaws and people and cars and dogs walking in every which direction. Seriously. Nuts! Anyway, we came across this really beautiful temple. Amazing colors and religious statues on the outside. We took off our shoes and entered.

Inside, there was a feet washing station. There were people walking around, saying prayers (out loud or quietly to themselves). People were ringing bells and sipping water and lighting what looked to be rope.  A man offered us water that we touched to our lips.  Water cleanses, and it was so interesting to watch everyone take part in something so spiritual.  The man was definitely laughing at our American cluelessness, but I enjoyed it nevertheless. It was so beautiful.  Although the street, right outside, was dirty and loud, the temple was so quiet and pure.

Although I still do not believe I am in India, and probably won’t actually recognize that I am studying here for the next 4 ½ months for a while, that was a surreal moment for me.

There has been a lot imprinted on my brain of the last 48 hours: faces, colors, tastes, smells, cows (in the middle of the road, yes!) words, etc.  I am overwhelmed, already, by my experiences. I can’t wait for everything to start sinking in.  But, I am safe. So far, I am happy. And most of all, I am eager.


  1. I already wish I could be there!

  2. I've been waiting for the first post. :). Sounds amazing thus far! Will there eventually be pictures? Hope to hear more soon!
