Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Feeling More Comfortable

So, although today was the first day of classes (yes, my junior year of college has officially begun) I figured I would talk about those courses more once I have a greater idea what they are all about.

One thing the group I am studying with does a lot is take walks into the little town of Hebbal that we are close to. It is not a huge area, but there always seems to be a lot going on.  It's definitely a big change from tiny Henniker, New Hampshire.  I thought it might be cool to post a series of pictures because I feel they give a pretty accurate description about what I am seeing/experiencing. I just feel a lot more comfortable walking into town now. Even though people still stare, a lot, I think all of us Iowa-programmers, feel more confident getting/walking around. That's a good feeling, for sure.

Bananas by these little hanging-trees are frequent sightings in Karnataka
Fruit stands, like this one, are also everywhere

 Colorful powders are everywhere!
They are mainly used for religious purposes, but also for food dye

 This is just one example of what a free-standing house looks like in Hebbal
Many houses in Hebbal are not as complete-looking as this one
Houses in the city of Mysore are much smaller

 Shops of all kinds line the streets
Each shop specializes in something
This photo shows a man (hard at work) in a hardware/blacksmiths shop

 I think our group has been to this particular store every single day
It is kind of like the Hebbal CVS
Crackers, juice, soda, shampoo, laundry detergent: it fills all our needs
(although, one time the computers crashed while we were waiting in line. It took them over an hour to fix the problem. I guess some people just really wanted a chocolate bar!)

There are dogs everywhere! Some belong to someone, but most are stray
I am careful not to touch them, but it doesn't make them less cute
Especially as they nap outside a corner store

 Even the trucks are very colorful here

 It's not all pretty
There is a lot (and I mean, A LOT) of garbage that line the streets
Even for a pleasant town, there is trash everywhere you look
It makes you tempted to throw your trash on the group too, but I refuse to
It makes you wonder how/if/when they will ever properly dispose of all the garbage
This is part of the reason India smells most days

I swear, it was about to rain
It isn't usually this dark-cloudy
This is the view of Hebbal/Mysore area from the town on the way back to the hostel

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