Monday, August 15, 2011

Happy Independence Day, India!

Mohandas Gandhi, recognized on Indian Independence Day
15 August 2011
65th Independence Celebration

This morning we woke up to a wonderful celebratory event; today marks the 65th anniversary of India's Independence from British rule.  At V-LEAD a beautiful ceremony was occurring, so we got up early to observe the hymns, prayers, and speeches regarding this momentous day for Indians across the country.

One of the teachers at the school prepared a very meaningful speech for the occasion. He acknowledged how wonderful it is to celebrate independence, but questioned how far India had come since 1947.  He remarked how India still observes some British laws (namely the Land Acquisition Act and the Police Act - similar to Eminent Domain by police force) and how those should be changed.  He also commented on the poor social state of India today.  He questioned how much we can really celebrate Independence if 70% of India lives on less than Rs20 a day (about $0.44).  He encouraged everyone who gathered to think about those people, and he emphasized how BOTH a democratic-social government and a socially responsible India would make for a better India.

At the end of his speech, they released the flag.  Inside the wrapped flag, there were colorful flower petals (it almost looked like confetti) that dropped. It was so beautiful. (I use "beautiful" a lot, which doesn't even begin to describe certain things here)

After tea, of course, there was more celebrating to do inside V-LEAD. The school had organized a number of competitions. The first was a photo-identification contest; they showed various pictures of places across India and you had to name them. Each correct answer won a prize.  Everyone in the room got really excited and competitive. I cannot wait until I can understand Kannada, because they were shouting and clapping and it was all just great fun. The next competition was a Patriotic Song/Singing competition. A number of Indian students performed anthems and traditional songs; they were beautiful to listen to. Then, the host invited me up to sing the American National Anthem (no idea why me, except for maybe that I put music on my "about me/interested" form). I was very hesitant to do so for two reasons. 1) I panicked and momentarily forgot lines 3 through "and the rockets red glare" in the song, and 2) it is THEIR day for celebration, and singing an American Patriotic song felt awkward. But, I got up and did it, and Sindhu (our caretaker of sorts) seemed really happy that I did. Afterward, they gave me a special recognition, in which I was given a manuscript of Swami Vivekananda's Messages and Life Story.  I am actually so excited to read it, given that his theories make up a lot of what the Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement (SVYM) at V-LEAD are.

Later on tonight, we have a dance/music presentation to attend in the city of Mysore. Independence Day here is celebrated and meaningful, but it is not overdone (or as in-your-face) as it can be in the U.S. I have enjoyed this 65th celebration, and it just another way I am constantly learning about the people, the culture and the traditions on my journey here.


  1. Random thought of the day; do you know why you are three and a half hours ahead of me? This completely threw me off when I looked up the time zones earlier.

  2. I'm so proud to read all that you think about what you are experiencing. I got choked up by your hesitancy to sing our patriotic song on THEIR DAY. You are one great young woman, Sarah.

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